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Department President Karen Kaylor’s Special Project for 2021-2022 is the Veterans’ Assistance Program (VAP). The assistance provided through the VAP makes sure their service is never forgotten.

The Veterans’ Assistance Program is managed by the Texas VFW Foundation. Created by members of the Texas VFW, this program provides stop-gap financial assistance for basic living needs to qualifying, honorably discharged veterans, their families, and their surviving spouses who are Texas residents. The Veterans’ Assistance Program has assisted veterans and their families with rent/mortgage, utilities, vehicle payments, and insurance with over $6 million in direct financial assistance in the last 10 years.


1. Plaque to Auxiliary who Donated the Most Money to the Veterans’ Assistance Program. Citation 2nd and

2. Plaque to Auxiliary who has Best Promotion of their President’s Special Project. Citation 2nd and 3rd.

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