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Chief of Staff/Extension

The process and gain we have achieved in the past must be maintained and surpassed for the future. As Auxiliaries to the Veterans of Foreign Wars, we must continue our leadership and maintain the membership strength. There are three (3) main areas of membership growth to work on:

(1) Continuous members
(2) Aid and assistance to weak auxiliaries

(3) Instituting new auxiliaries


1. $25 to the Organizer of each New Auxiliary whose charter is received by the Department Treasurer between

July 1, 2021 and February 28, 2022.

2. $50 to each New Auxiliary instituted between July 1, 2021 and February 28, 2022. Paperwork must be

received by National by February 28, 2022.

3. $10 to Organizer and $10 to the New Auxiliary with the greatest number of members transmitted on the

first transmittal form sent in on the night of Installation. (Must be verified by Department Treasurer).

4. A Keepsake to one member from each membership group who helps revitalize his/her own Auxiliary and

uses the Healthy Auxiliary materials found on National Website. Nomination from each District President

due to me by April 21, 2022.

5. Plaque to the Outstanding Deputy Chief of Staff. (Award to be based on report or reports from

the District President, Auxiliary Presidents may also report.) Reports to be received by April 21, 2022.

Mentoring for Leadership

The program is exactly what the title states, mentoring all members for future leadership by educating, respecting theorganization’s past, embracing the present and planning for the future.

Chief of Staff and Mentoring programs will work closely together. A mentor will see first-hand potential issues and communicate to the Department Chairman, who in turn will be working closely with the Chief of Staff. The Program will be in compliance with the National Ambassador’s Program.

Recognition and being named a mentor is not the focus of the program. The program’s focus is to assist and help new members, retain existing members and mentor all that are willing and want to learn.

© 2018 Texas VFW Auxiliary All Rights Reserved 

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