The VFW Auxiliary was founded in 1914 to help veterans and their families. At the dawn of this new Millennium, that is still the primary goal of the organization. The organization has achieved its own unique identity while working side-by-side with the veterans who belong to the VFW. Like the VFW, the Auxiliary interests have broadened to encompass the entire community. The Auxiliary embodies the spirit of America that has prevailed through war and peace. It is solidly behind America today as it was when it was founded. The VFW Auxiliary is an integral part of the VFW and supports a host of programs which pursue issues of national importance to veterans. These programs are designed to preserve veterans rights, advocate a strong national defense, promote patriotism and offer community service.
The VFW Auxiliary also has conceived and implemented hundreds of its own volunteer programs to help veterans, their spouses, their children, schools and local communities. Today, the VFW Auxiliary is involved in a kaleidoscopic range of activities. The Auxiliary has programs for veterans, their families, young people and the community at large. Many programs have been expanded and now are commonly accepted institutions within the community and nation. Although these programs are run locally, they are also a part of a larger nationwide effort, administered through the VFW Auxiliary National Headquarters. So deeply ingrained are such programs that the subtle guiding hand of the VFW Auxiliary is often not seen or recognized.
While continuing to support the VFW and its causes, the VFW Auxiliary has developed a social conscience of its own. With the paramount goal of helping families in distress, its members perform community service, fund cancer research, fight drug abuse and illiteracy, advocate for the rights of the elderly, and support the VFW National Home, Special Olympics, and other worthy causes.
The VFW Auxiliary is a fraternal, patriotic, historical and educational affiliate of one of the Posts of the VFW.
It’s objectives are to:
Provide assistance to the VFW Post and its members whenever possible
Provide assistance to the VFW Auxiliary members whenever possible
Maintain true allegiance to the Government of the United States of America
Maintain fidelity to the Constitution and Laws of the United States of America
Foster true Patriotism
Maintain and extend the Institutions of American Freedom, Equal Rights and Justice to all men and women
Preserve and Defend the United States of America from all her enemies whomsoever they may be